Root Canal Therapy
At Bohning Endodontics, a root canal is performed on a tooth that is so severely decayed or infected that it is in danger of being lost. This can be the result of deep decay, a crack or chip in the tooth, an injury to the tooth or repeated procedures on the tooth. With root canal therapy,
Dr. Bryan Bohning removes the nerve and vascular tissue (pulp) from the root and pulp chamber as well as any decayed tooth structure. This procedure also allows for the root and the base of the tooth itself to remain in place.
The ABC’s of root canal therapy.
Dr. Bohning performs root canal therapy as an in-office procedure under local anesthesia, which is administered with an ultra-gentle technique for your comfort. After gently removing the infected or inflamed pulp, Dr. Bohning carefully shapes and disinfects the inside of the canal. They use a state-of-the-art electronic apex locator to aid in determining the precise location of the root end; it also minimizes the number of digital X-rays required during treatment. The canal is then filled and sealed with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. For your comfort, handpieces that offer minimal vibration are used. In addition, Dr. Bohning's ultrasonic equipment features diamond-coated tips, the small size of which preserves the tooth’s structure and provides more precise treatment.
What happens after root canal therapy?
Dr. Bohning can perform most root canals in a single visit; the more difficult cases might require a second appointment. Once your root canal therapy has been completed, a written report and digital X-ray will be sent to your referring dentist. The remaining tooth structure may be more brittle than before, therefore you should not chew or bite on the treated tooth until your dentist provides you with a permanent restoration (crown). For more information, call the Bohning Endodontics office nearest you today in Houma or just outside New Orleans in Metairie, Louisiana.
To schedule an appointment please call us at 504-888-4034 in Metaire, Louisana or at 985-580-1007 in Houma, Louisana.